


Here at Flaviar we’re reimagining the world’s second oldest industry and ushering it to the 21st century. Spirits (a.k.a. liquor) is a giant but treacherous category: price is no indication of quality and quality doesn’t mean you will like it. When it comes to flavor, it’s your taste that matters.

Flaviar is a global club of spirits enthusiasts that allows you to experience the best spirits from all over the world at a fraction of the regular price, helping you discover new drinks and promote a healthier way of enjoying them.

We’re an early-stage company, so it’s up to every team member to shape his or her role. We’re looking for individuals who are top of their fields, are willing to take risks, and want to make a real difference. Technologists, entrepreneurs, foodies, designers, DJs, filmmakers. These are just some of the folks who love what we do and have joined our team.

Tasting is believing!

Ennek a cégnek nincs aktív hirdetése


Tasting is believing!

Lépj velünk kapcsolatba
